home about vitafor history

Our Company

Vitafor is a Belgian company located 20km south of the port of Antwerp, where our mission is to produce and market products that improve and protect the performance of the animal protein production industry.

We offer a complete range of feed ingredients, nutritional products, hygiene products and disinfectants, allowing our clients to buy all they need in one place.

Vitafor is a proud employer of skilled colleagues and appreciates their commitment, professionalism and flexibility. Thanks to our talented team we are now present in almost 100 countries and together we continue to grow stronger. We understand that partnership is the key to success.


Vitafor was founded in Antwerp, Belgium.
Initially, Vitafor traded feed additives. Thanks to a rapidly increasing global demand Vitafor quickly became a world player, expanding our business outside of Europe to the Middle East.


Vitafor started supplying trading feed additives worldwide.


Vitafor established its first alliance, opening the Cairo office in Egypt.


Our first production facility for premixes and nutritional specialties was opened.
A second alliance was made with Vial France, opening an office in Paris.


Vitafor became one of the first European companies to acquire a GMP certificate.


Our powder supplements plant was updated with the latest technology, making it a completely automated factory.


A further West-Europe expansion was made, this time to Serbia by opening Vitafor Balkan.


Our liquid supplements production factory was inaugurated, expanding our product portfolio.

2012 - 2016

Vitafor doubled its turnover.


Activities in Hong Kong were launched to what is now Vitafor China.


Our most recent branch was opened in Taiwan, fulfilling a key role in our sourcing and in our expansion to Asia.


A new shareholder structure was put in place, preparing our company for further growth.


New strategic partnerships were created for our Research & Development and Sourcing & Distribution sectors.



Trust is the basis for everything we do and the prerequisite to our success. We keep our promises, to our employees and stakeholders. We are aware that trust is hard to gain and can be easily lost. That is why we prove at all times that trust placed in us is worth it.


We believe in actively listening and involving other parties in our daily work. We provide help when necessary and possible. Our partners and customers are our biggest asset, so creating an atmosphere of recognition is key for the successful development of our company.


We respect each other’s values, differences and contributions. For our customers, our team, ourselves and our community. Our team is diverse by design. We value the differences that each team member represents. We also recognize that everyone is important and that everyone plays a role that matters as everyone’s opinion is valid.


We are constantly aiming to grow as individuals, as a company and as a partner. We believe that our journey is a lifelong pursuit, and that this kind of lifelong growth, development and innovation are what will continue to push us forward as a company.


Honesty at Vitafor is the quality, condition and characteristic of being fair, truthful and morally upright. Honesty creates a positive atmosphere for all, that is why it is extremely important to us and our success.

General Manager
Johan De Backer
CEO / Commercial director
Email: johanvitafor.com
Phone: +32 376 00 692
Thuy Bui
Sales Manager Southeast Asia
Email: thuyvitafor.com
Phone: +32 489 95 7534
Jocelyn Huang
Area Manager Asia
Email: jocelynvitafor.com
Phone: +886 960 11 6966
Lieven Dambre
Business Development Manager Europe / CIS
Email: lievenvitafor.com
Phone: +32 479 94 0091
Jules Tondu
Sales Manager Belgium
Email: julesvitafor.com
Phone: +32 475 60 0087
Joyce Kibiru
Area Sales Manager East-Africa
Email: joyce.kibiruvitafor.com
Phone: +254 758 736 102 / +254 722 295 942
Lindsey De Vos
Sales Assistant/Commercial Controller
Email: lindseyvitafor.com
Phone: +32 376 00 692
Oksana Shelyapina
Business Assistant – CIS Region
Email: oksanavitafor.com
Phone: +7 916 255 60 29 | +34 692 581 212
Mizgin Eryilmaz
Marketing & Event Officer
Email: mizgin.eryilmazvitafor.com
Phone: +32 376 00 693
Customer Service
Kelly Stoop
Customer Service
Email: kellyvitafor.com
Phone: +32 376 00 686
Marijke de Moor
Customer Service
Email: Marijkevitafor.com
Phone: +32 3 760 06 87
Finance/ HR
Fatima Jabri
HR officer/ Accountancy
Email: Fatimavitafor.eu
Phone: +32 376 00 684
Nancy De Cock
Email: Nancyvitafor.com
Phone: +32 376 00 680
Ann Buggenhout
Team Lead Production Planning
Email: annvitafor.com
Phone: +32 376 00 688
Kimberley Van Poecke
Production Planning
Email: kimberleyvitafor.com
Phone: +32 376 00 683
Jan Philippo
Quality Assurance
Email: jan.philippovitafor.com
Phone: +32 376 00 681
Eva Dhondt
Regulatory / Registrations
Email: evavitafor.com
Phone: +32 336 91 653
Christof Malcorps
Quality Assurance
Email: Christofvitafor.com
Phone: +32 376 00 682
Amélie De Kind
Quality Assurance
Email: amelie.dekindvitafor.com
Phone: +32 376 00 671
Dr. Gertjan De Smet
Commercial International Nutritionist
Email: gertjan.desmetvitafor.com
Phone: +32 376 00 698
Central America

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John Doe
Lorup ipsum
Email: jdvitafor.test
Phone: +32(0)123456789
John Doe
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Email: jdvitafor.test
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John Doe
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Email: jdvitafor.test
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John Doe
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Email: jdvitafor.test
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John Doe
Lorup ipsum
Email: jdvitafor.test
Phone: +32(0)123456789
John Doe
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Email: jdvitafor.test
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John Doe
Lorup ipsum
Email: jdvitafor.test
Phone: +32(0)123456789